Fuck you 2020!

2020 was a shit show, let’s be real. I would love to know if anyone actually enjoyed the year? It was a time of stock piling, binge watching, and for me personally – bad mental health.

Since 2017 when I was officially diagnosed with BPD and PTSD, I’ve obviously never had amazing mental health. But now? Wowzer, I didn’t know it could even be this bad.

No access to couselling sessions, or if you were lucky you got to make a phone call to their office with shitty phone service. Not their fault, but still a bad situation for people who need help.

Alongside this I am a key worker myself, I don’t know about you but some people seemed to have a good time in the first lockdown. Nice BBQ’s and sunbathing in the garden. Cocktails anyone?

Maybe I’m just bitter, would’ve been nice to be paid to sit at home instead of sweating my behind off in full PPE in 30 degree heat.

However, in reality it may have started like that, but I know even sitting in a paddling pool getting boozy gets boring after a while. I know some of my friends mental health deteriorated also. At least the first lockdown was summer, when it became winter it was even worse.

For myself personally, waking up when it’s dark to go to work, doing a 12 hour shift then coming home when it’s dark, again.

Of course I have days off, but not many. Being short staffed in a pandemic is a lot of work. Multiple times I’ve even fallen asleep in my evening bath. So most of my days off are in my pyjamas watching a lovely serial killer documentary on Netflix.

This is where I feel sorry for those who have been furloughed. My job may be hard, and I may feel sorry for myself sometimes but I know that at least I get to go outside and see some different faces.

2021 looked promising to begin with to some, but I think deep down we must’ve all known this wouldn’t just end at 00:00. I hope that sometime in the next 6 months COVID dies down. I hope people find their happiness again, and most of all I hope everyone stay safe.

2020 you were awful. You will not be missed.

So it begins!

Hello there, welcome to my first ever blog. I hope you enjoy this experience as much as I hope to.

Right, first of all, everyone is welcome. As you’ve seen by the title of my blog ‘We’re all mad here!’. I want this space to be a non-judgemental space where everyone and anyone can feel free to (hopefully!) enjoy my blog posts.

I am completely and totally out of my comfort zone, I don’t even really know what to base my blog on! I guess you could call this website a lifestyle blog? I will touch on what it’s like to live with mental health and Type 1 Diabetes. I will discuss and provide information on topics such as becoming plastic free (even though myself, I am a work in progress). I’ll share my adventures to events such as Brighton pride and festivals, and most of all I’ll just be honest.

I’m hoping this blog won’t be a deep and overly emotional experience for my readers, but I will also like to share some experiences I’ve had with living with PTSD and other mental health issues, and some of the horrors of life myself, and many other people have faced.

On the other hand, I would also like to share the awesome experiences of life, and the difference any person can make. No matter how big or small!

But anyway, I WELCOME you to my blog.

We’re all mad here!